Friday 18 April 2014

Ways to save money when on a trip.

While travelling, there are always expenses that seem to pop up from out of nowhere - whether on a business trip or a vacation. It is these unplanned expenses that tend to take a sizeable chunk out of the allocated budget. A few ways by which unnecessary expenditure can be minimized are as follows:   

Be open to local cuisine
There are quite a few travelers who crave for the kind of food back home, especially when they are on a business trip. If you are overseas, cuisine that is local back home will be international in a foreign country and cost far more. If you decide on having similar food like at home, you could spend a considerable sum on food bills, which would be far more expensive. Be open to trying out local fare and you will probably enjoy most of it too.
Keep a check on extravagant spending
If you are abroad where the local currency is of a far higher value than currency back home, you need to curtail any extravagant spending. Partying like crazy is only going to add up to unnecessary bills and you will have to shell out a small fortune, if you do not keep a check!
Also do not get carried away and drink yourself silly as you could end up doing something silly, which could result in you having a run in with the law.  Fines or penalties could be pretty steep and could lead to unnecessary costs.  There is also the added risk of being mugged and robbed if you are in an inebriated state, something which is best avoided. Besides alcohol is generally expensive abroad, so restrain is the keyword.
Search for budget accommodation
Hotels all over the world offer discounts and special deals to tourists, which is a great way to cut on hotel expenses. London has some great budget hotels to stay in like the Shaftesbury Premier, London Notting Hill which provides great discounts to tourists and visitors, especially in the off-season. Book your hotel room in London Notting Hill advance and online to strike the best deals.
Compare travel insurance deals
Travel insurance can be pretty expensive, so carefully check and compare the travel insurance deals being offered and after carefully scrutiny, settle for a deal that works best for you. After all, you do not want to spend a large sum on insurance that will stretch your budget for the trip.

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